Accreditation Gaps Assessments & Workplan Development
We will conduct a thorough review of your organization’s CARF accreditation readiness and provide you with a detailed report on your organization’s level of conformance with each standard. This can be used by your organization as-is, or we can support you to use it to develop a customized workplan that will lead to successful CARF accreditation.
Tools, Templates & Resources
We maintain a comprehensive template, sample and tool database of all documentation required or suggested for demonstrating conformance to the CARF standards. We will provide many of these resources FREE OF CHARGE as a follow-up to the Accreditation Gaps Assessment & Workplan Development process for organizations that prefer a do-it-yourself approach once they have their workplan in place.
Accreditation Training
We can provide customized training related to the CARF standards for staff, managers and Board members in your organization. This can be facilitated in person or online as web-based training.
Hands-On Accreditation Support
We can provide in-person, web-based, telephone and email consulting support to walk you through the process of preparing for accreditation. This support can include consultation/feedback as well as the development of policies, procedures, plans and reports that are customized to your organization’s needs.
Mock Surveys
We can conduct ‘mock’ CARF surveys on-site at your organziation to ensure that you are fully prepared for your actual site visit. This includes providing you with a report on areas to be addressed prior to your actual survey as well as coaching in how to mange the accreditation site survey process.
Managing the CARF Site Survey Process
We can support you through the process of preparing for the actual CARF survey, including helping you with logistics and preparations for a successful site visit!
Accreditation Gaps Assessments & Workplan Development
We will conduct a thorough review of your organization’s CARF accreditation readiness and provide you with a detailed report on your level of conformance with each standard. This can be used by your organization as-is, or we can support you to use it to develop a customized workplan that will lead to successful CARF accreditation.
Tools, Templates & Resources
We maintain a comprehensive template, sample and tool database of all documentation required or suggested for demonstrating conformance to the CARF standards. We will provide many of these resources FREE OF CHARGE as a follow-up to the Accreditation Gaps Assessment & Workplan Development Process (above) for organizations that prefer a do-it-yourself approach once they have their workplan in place.
Accreditation Training
We can provide customized training related to the CARF standards for staff, managers and Board members in your organization. This can be facilitated in person or online as web-based training.
Hands-On Accreditation Support
We can provide in-person, web-based, telephone and email consulting support to your organization to walk you through the process of preparing for accreditation. This support can include consultation/feedback as well as the development of policies, procedures, plans and reports that are customized to your organization’s needs.
Mock Surveys
We can conduct ‘mock’ CARF surveys on-site at your organziationt o ensure that you are fully prepared for your actual site visit. This includes providing you with a report on areas to be addressed prior to your actual survey as well as coaching in how to mange the accreditation site survey process.
Managing the CARF Site Survey Process
We can support you through the process of preparing for the actual CARF survey, including helping you with logistics and preparations for a successful site visit!
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Weather you’re ready to invest in development for your leader or just want to learn. Get started with you, Today!